
Since 2024, we are a Sole and Exclusive Agent of Shangdong Bihai Machinery Technology and Packaging Material, Brand “GSPak”

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Aseptic Carton Filling Machine

Others Equipment

Laminated Liquid Packaging Material

The aseptic carton filling machine is widely used to package juice, fruit syrup, fruit jam, and other liquid food under aseptic or sterile conditions. The packaging enables its contents to be safely stored for over one year at ambient temperature without extra cost for refrigeration. The filler is directly attached to the sterilizer where ultra-heat treatment is applied to the liquid before the beverage can be filled into the sterile package. Created from numerous layers of aluminum, plastic, and paper, the package protects the contents from light and oxygen and keeps them fresh. The temperature-regulation system will automatically adjust the temperature in the filling room, whereas steam jets out to disinfect the package mouth as well as the atmosphere.
